Sunday, September 7, 2014

Gabe 3 round-Red Scarf Girl

Red Scarf Girl
Risk Taking Researcher
Chapter 6-9

The Cultural Revolution, also called the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution which was started by Mao Zedong. The movement was created so that it could prevent the communist party from reacting, and also to eliminate opponents that opposed his revolutionary ideology.(Perkins) In this long and bloody revolution about 25 to 35 million people were killed. During this "revolution" the main conflict was between Chairman Mao and the you red guards, versus hundreds if not thousands of chinese citizens who were categorized as anti-Mao, intellectuals, or elitists. (Phillips) The red guards entered a frenzy and soon began to battle against other rival factions to see who was the best.(Wiki) In this conflict most of the red guards were youths that had decided to leave school to support the movement. (wiki) The cultural revolution was declared over in 1969 by Chairman Mao, but in continued on until the death of the military activist Biao in 1971. After Maos death, the gang of 4 in 1976 were arested. They were a group of reformers of the Mao state, lead by Deng Xiaoping that wanted to restore it associated to the cultural revolution. Overall this cultural revolution shaped the future of China in many ways. It showed that people that have good ideas might not be have adequate ideas on how to run a country.

Perkins, Dorothy. "Cultural Revolution in China." Encyclopedia of China: The Essential Reference to China, Its History and Culture. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2000. Modern World History Online. Facts On File, Inc.
ItemID=WE53&iPin=china00498&SingleRecord=True (accessed September 7, 2014).

Phillips, Charles, and Alan Axelrod. "Cultural Revolution in China." Encyclopedia of Wars, vol. 1. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2005. Modern World History Online. Facts On File, Inc.
ItemID=WE53&iPin=EWAR0399&SingleRecord=True (accessed September 7, 2014).

1 comment:

  1. Gabe,

    Good thinking! Now, the concept you researched about the anti-Mao or elitists caught my attention. This caught my attention because this adds on to my blog post with the question "If some Chinese people thought that Chairman Mao was a bad influence to China, why didn’t they fight against him?". To me, this somehow answers my question. In another words, people did fight against Chairman Mao; however, they would have to risk their lives and blood. Another point I wanted to make was where you stated that 25 - 30 million people were killed on wars and that also relates to this same question. Therefore, people would risk their own lives to stay with their strong believes. Finally, I noticed that your research analysis helped me answer some of my own questions.
