Sunday, October 12, 2014

Word Whisperer, Guilhermo Gonzalez

”Like a tree with no trunk, our alley was wide enough for two cars to pass abreast.” (pg. 19, simile)

To begin with, a simile is a comparison between someone or something using words like or as to describe familiar aspect and details. This linguistic technique is used in this phrase with the purpose of carefully describing the details of the environment Ji Li used to live with her siblings and parents in China. Most importantly, an element of figurative language is essential to writing. Similes make vivid descriptions by comparing their subjects with known events or things. Effective similes help readers visualize what is being described. Helping the reader metaphorically intact and travel to the books details enriches the significance of writing, since it makes the reader want to read more and more. A simile is an essential element for interest, when one writes detailed it gets the reader hooked to the argument.

"We were proud of our precious red scarves, which, like the national flag, were dyed red with the blood of our revolutionary martyrs." (pg. 29, metaphor)

Initially, a metaphor is a comparison between things; it is based on common characteristics and traits. A metaphor is very different from a simile since it doesn’t use like or as in its descriptions, a metaphor is a broader term than a simile, and it transfers the aspects of comparison of one word to another.  This metaphor is used very engrossing, this passage connects deeply with the reader, and personally it showed me how honored and full of pride the people of the so developing country china re proud of their homeland. A great way to help people understand abstract content, create a sense of familiarity, trigger emotions, draw attention and motivate action is metaphors.  Lakoff and Johnson once said "The way we think, what we experience, and what we do every day is very much a matter of metaphor. A metaphor is important since it enriches our writing; it makes deep and thorough connections between ideas and signifies. 

"'But Grandma, we have to get rid of those old ideas, old culture, old customs, and old habits. Chairman Mao said they're holding us back,' I informed her" (pg. 25, repetition)

Firstly, repetition is a literary device that repeats the same words to make an idea clearer. In this example this repetition shows the reader how Ji Li the importance of change. While I read the page I intellectually noticed that Ji Li is a person willing to do brave things for her beloved country. She is willing to leave everything behind, her values and beliefs, to try to shape a better and newer country based on newer concepts of life.  A repetition is very importance; in this case it showed the audience the importance of words. When using the technique correctly you can definitely transform the reader and make them gasp into surprise ment. Let us take in consideration, the speech we heard in humanities about the famous coach who won the united states basketball university division with the  “under dogs” the effective man used repetition over and over his speech and his end result was absurd, he made the audience change their way of thinking.

Now our chance had come. Destroying the fourolds was a new battle, and an important one: it would keep china from loosing its communist’s ideals. Though we were not facing real guns or real tanks, this battle would be even harder, because our enemies, the rotten ideas and customs we were used to were inside ourselves. (pg.28, hyperbole)

At first, a hyperbole is an exaggeration used to make a point. This quote I have depicted from the book  is used to show how willing Ji Li was to take part in this somewhat change. She can be truly considered a patriot, she agreed with the statements Chaiman Mao has stated. It shows that Ji Li wants to take part in this reshapement of the country, she is willing to do anything to “fight”. A hyperbole is very important in literature,it generates emphazises and emphazies is really important is getting to connect with your audience.

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