Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Line Illuminator - critics or point out Round #2 - Guilherme Z

Red Scarf Girl

Ji-li Jiang

Chapters 3,4,5

Line Illuminator


Ji-Li Speaking Up.

The first line I chose is on page 65. Ji - Li, was going to wipe the black board clean with her partner and so she called her partner by her nickname "Pauper". Some one called her attention and she apologized nicely to Deng Yi-yi. However, one of the  Red Successors wasn't satisfied with her so she said that Ji - Li had to remold her ideology. And Ji- Li struggles: But it wasn't me that gave her that nick name. And the Red Successors started to throw at her that because her grandparent was a Land Lord she was influenced by him. Then my first line comes up: "Shut up! Don't you dare say mt father is a rightist! Who says he's a rightist? Why don't you go to my fathers work and unit and ask them?" I chose this line because it shown that Li - Ji is capable of standing up for her self even though she knows that her family background is bad, And she really does believe in her fathers words that he is not a Rightist or anything worst.

The seccond line I chose is :"The more I read, the more puzzled I became. Did the teachers really intend to ruin our health and corrupt our minds? If so, why hadn't I ever noticed? Was I so badly taken in that I was unable to see them for what they really were?" pg. 70. This quote really made me think about the da-zi-bao thing. Because Ji -Li dint want to write critics or point out all the mistakes that her teachers made. Or all their defects. I mean they teached her to do every thing right and how not to make any mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. The first quote you selected was great. The quote that Ji-Li stood up to was really brave. If that was me, I couldn't have stood up to someone and do that. These days we don't have many of those people, people who stand up for themselves and protecting their opinion no matter what whether it's true or not. What Ji-Li did when she was young was really outrageous and I believe that she even now protects what she thinks about.

    The second quote you chose (misspelled second there), "The more I read, the more puzzled I became. Did the teachers really intend to ruin our health and corrupt our minds? If so, why hadn't I ever noticed? Was I so badly taken in that I was unable to see them for what they really were?" In this quote I was puzzled! I'm pretty sure this quote means something inside, but I'm just not seeing it. The last sentence, "Was I so badly taken in that I was unable to see them for what they really were?" caught my mind. It made me think that Ji-li was still mind-struck with the da-zi-bao.
