Saturday, February 21, 2015


Isabel Kuiper - Illustrious Artist
Red Scarf Girl - Chapter 3,4 & 5
Ji-li Jiang
Rotation #2

                     This chapter was mainly about da-zi-bao. A da-zi-bao is a poster with large characters, expressing a political opinion. In the book the students were suppose to criticize the educational system. They made many posters with red and black ink. That's one of the reasons the main part of my drawing is in black and red. In the drawing you also see that I used lighter colors, such as yellow and light blue; these represent minor details of the drawing. 

I put related things of the quote on boarder of my "poster" to make the main points stick out more. How did you react to the scene with this quote?

                     There were many examples of da-zi-bao in the book. But, the particular quote; that was on page 50, stuck out to me. In the beginning of the chapter Ji-Li-Jiang had trouble thinking of something to criticize the teachers. She thought there weren't villains, but usually acted like a mother to her. I would have to agree with Ji-li-jiang; if someone made me write a poster criticizing any of my teachers I don't know what I would put. 
                      Later on, she finds out someone made one about her. I felt really sad, my eyes were watering when Ji-li-jiang started crying. Her description of this moment in her life was so touching. I understood that she felt sick, sad, and betrayed by her peers. I would have to.  After always helping others out, trying her best, and this is how you are repaid back. I guess I wouldn't even want to go back to "that school". I felt like this chapter was one of the strongest, because this is when her family history reveals its self, she can't go to her dream school and she doesn't feel like she belongs within her peers.  This point in the book is when we see changes starting in her life. 

How would you react if someone made a da-zi-bao about you?

Would you be able to write a da-zi-bao criticizing the education system?


  1. Isabel,

    I also felt a strong bond with Ji-Li Jiang at this part of the book. Da-zi-bao's express strong political opinions about a variation of things, and by having one written by yourself can be sickening. By having a rough family past change your future can be tough, and by having to cross the line like nothing ever happened can be hard. This in a way is expressed by bullying. Verbal comments can hurt you and this makes it hard to go back to school or the place you were harassed in.

    Awesome post!

    - Sophia

  2. Isabel, great post. I liked how you created your own da-zi-bao and how you could relate and connect to the protagonist. The drawing you made was original and insightful and it really helped me understand the book and your post better. The way you explained about what the da-zi-bao was also very good because then even non readers of the book can read and understand your post. Great post, keep on working like this because it was great.
    Now about your two questions in the end:
    If someone did a da-zi-bao about me I would probably cry, like Ji-Li, like you, like anyone. I would also feel betrayed, unloved, and sad, like letting go. I would probably react like you and the protagonist because it would be like receiving unnecessary, rude and hurtful comments about your person, from the people you most trusted and liked as friends. That would be horrifying and it would definitely rip my heard apart.
    Isabel, just like you and Ji-Li, again, I would not be able to. Not about the teachers, not about my friends. What would I get in return. These people, teacher, never did anythign wrong with me, ever, why would I insult them in return? In return for these many years that they have been teaching and educating me for os many years, what do I have to regret?
    Well, this is what I think. In the end, I agree with you and Ji-Li-Jiang and I definitely would have done everything the same way that both of you would have done.

  3. Isabel,
    I agree that Ji-Li's character grew tremendously during this scene of freedom. Freedom in some opinions giving and in many others taking it away. Ji-Li in some ways felt betrayed by her by herself. What she believed all this time was beginning to be broken. Thank you for pushing my thinking.
    -Julianna Mello

  4. Really good post, I think that you are right when you said that Ji-Li got to get madder. When someone wrote a da-zi-bao about you, I would be pretty sure that some people would have the same reaction as she did. To stay home. Overall good post.
